Welcome to Little Tokyo’s Website, the retro-gaming reference in Strasbourg !
From Pong on Atari to Uncharted on PS3 and through the cartoons of the nineties, the shop is a temple dedicated to the universe of retro-gaming. Consoles, games, accessories, figurines, plushes and gaming magazines cover the walls of Little Tokyo from the ground to the ceiling, similarly to a Japanese retro-gaming shop.
The shop buys and gives expertise on any product related to the retro universe, be it games, consoles, accessories or goodies.
Little Tokyo will be open the three last sundays of december 2017 !
Little Tokyo will be open the three last sundays of december : the 10th, 17th and 24th !
(Français) Grand Salon du jeu vidéo le 32 septembre !
Sorry, this entry is only available in French.
If you want to discover or rediscover the classics of video games, come by the shop !

Open from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 19:00
Or contact us via our contact form !